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Tech a look inside my toolbox
Here are some of the recent technologies I have used: from development tools such as React and NodeJS to accessibility tools such as Lighthouse audit and Aria labels.
The basics of all web development. I've come to understand Semantic Html and even JSX, thanks to this markup language.
Though CSS and I didn't have the best of starts, I've come to appreciate the beauty of it, more so now that I know more about CSS modules, CSS in JS and the plethora of libraries built around it.
I strongly agree with Jeff Atwood that 'Any application that can be written in JavaScript, will eventually be written in JavaScript.'
This simple, yet powerful library has enabled me to appreciate JS functional components, hooks, props and other powerful frameworks like NextJS.
I've had the pleasure of experimenting with some great UI and components libraries such as Chakra, Ant-Design, Semantic-UI and most recently, Mantine which I have learned to use in my portfolio site. I'm also learning about styled-components.
This lightweight markup tool has been such a useful tool for documentation on GitHub etc. I've also used readme.so to streamline some of my documentation.
Since the start of the SoC bootcamp, there has not been more than two days gone by (excluding weekends and holidays) where I didn't use Git/Github. Call me odd, but I certainly enjoy seeing those green squares on my contribution graph.
Everything I've learned to date about backend development has been built on NodeJS and I still remember the day when I first ran a simple JS program on Node without having to open my browser console.
Node and Express go hand in hand and I simply cannot imagine building APIs without this immensely helpful tool.
Often dubbed as the world's most advanced open source database, Postgres has been my only goto relational database since day 1 of my SQL education. Truth be told, I still need to work on different join types.
My current framework of choice and in fact, this very portfolio website is made with NextJS. I am still learning about its amazing features such as Server-side rendering(SSR) and Incremental Static Regeneration(ISR) which I hope to utilise in some future projects.
I get to learn and practise unit testing and TDD, thanks to Jest's simplicity, ease of set-up and a number of built-in matchers. No wonder it's one of the most popular Javascript testing frameworks. There are still many more features in Jest I have yet to explore.
Prior to my bootcamp, I thought end-to-end testing was done only with a bunch of real testers clicking and typing around your app to see if it does what it says on the tin. Then I learned Cypress, and front-end testing has been a bliss ever since, not to mention their most user-friendly documentation.
Coming from an Engineering background, I was used to strongly typed languages like C/C++, then I learned JS and enjoyed its relaxed type checking until I ran into its infamous quirks. Enter Typescript! Despite the steep learning curve, I'm learning to appreciate the little red squiggly lines in my code editor warning me to help me catch bugs early.
When I learned about how complex authentication can be, not to mention the concepts like encryption and salting, I was not prepared for how simple and intuitive implementing authentication and authorisation with Auth0 is. I have used Auth0 in all of my projects that require authentication and access management.
Learning and practising using web accessibility tools such as Lighthouse Audit and Aria labels make me not only a more rounded developer but feel good about the apps and services I develop with accessibility in mind.