Some of my works
A taste of what I can cook up with some { squiggly } little codesFreeCodeCamp Porfolio
This old portfolio was made purely with HTML and CSS as part of FCC Responsive Web Design Course and it is hosted on GitHub pages. This also showcases how far I have come since the start of my coding journey. Main challenges faced: CSS position and flexbox
Story-driven cowboy game
During the Christmas break from the bootcamp, we were asked to make something to reinforce everything we had learnt from week 1 up to this point. This site was made with just vanilla JS to practise my skills on DOM manipulation, SQL queries and HTTP requests with Express server. It was a lot of fun showing and hiding DOM elements, as well as keeping track of players scores on a backend server with PostgreSQL database. The live demo is hosted on Heroku. Main challenges faced: DOM manipulation and Game state handling
Resource library and study group scheduler (A group project)
I developed this dashboard app as part of a team of 4 and is deployed on Netlify. The School of Code asked us to address a pain-point we bootcampers were facing. After thorough user research, we knew we needed a dashboard where we can keep track of ever-growing resources and a study session scheduler where bootcampers can arrange to study together after bootcamp hours.
This was the first time I had the pleasure of working in an agile team where we made extensive design and development plans including a Kanban board. Although we all had a hand in both backend and frontend development, the majority of the tickets I solved were React, React Router, login and access management. Thanks to this group project, I learned a lot about full-stack development, team collaboration and git branching to name a few.
Main challenges faced: States and props management, dependency in useEffect hook, Git branching and merge conflictsEV Charge Point finder map (Bootcamp final group project)
As part of the final project for SoC bootcamp I am developing this charge point finder web app as part of a team of 6 and is deployed on Heroku. User research reveals that existing solutions lack detailed location of chargepoints, estimated time of finish if a chargepoint is already in use, and personalised searchability. Our app addresses this by integrating 2 APIs (Open Charge Map and National Chargepoint Registry), creating end-points for users to post the granular details and implementing filters to enable tailored searches.
Our planning and project management involved Disney Ideation, Design Thinking Process and followed Agile principles. I took on the Scrum Master role during the project where I facilitated stand-ups, assigned and updated the Kanban board, convened retros and was the spokesperson to the rest of the bootcamp. We used Next, Leaftlet and Ant-Design for the frontend, whilst the backend was developed using Node, Express and Postgress.
Main challenges faced: LeafletJS and Auth0 integration with NextJS,